Don’t let money rule your life. Live within your means, appreciate what you have and don’t dwell on what you don’t have. Be happy, live happy and smile.
Alan’s obsession with surfing began when he was 13. Sixty years later, he’s still at it, having ridden waves all over the world. Alan also loves to sail whenever the surf is bad and the wind is up. He and his wife Ann used to race Hobie Cat sailboats together. They’ve been married 48 years and Alan says his secret is being flexible. He applies that to his travels as well – saying you’ve just got to go with the flow. Alan and Ann once traveled the world for a year. They drove a VW bus through Europe, then visited Hawaii, Australia and the south Pacific. Over the years, Alan spent a lot of time in Hawaii and says the Aloha spirit has become part of who he is. He tries to be kind and always say hello to people when he’s biking or walking in his neighborhood. Another big part of the Aloha spirit is caring for the environment. Alan worked as a mechanical engineer with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, eventually leading the group in charge of environmental safety. When he retired, he continued volunteering with environmental organizations. With the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, Alan helped quantify the plastics polluting the world’s oceans. Then as an Environmental Officer with the Surfrider Foundation, he used what he’d learned to create the Teach and Test program. Working with local high school students, Alan monitors water quality and raises awareness about pollutants. Alan’s passion for the ocean is helping to preserve it for future generations – though he hopes to keep riding its waves for years to come.